Contact Tame My Toddler

If you would like to contact me for any reason what so ever, just send an email to


All you need to do is replace the [at] and [dot] accordingly. The reason I worte it like this is to help prevent spam emails.

In any case, my name is Laura and you can find out more about me on the about tame my toddler page.

Reasons to contact me:

  • I love receiving feedback about tame my toddler. I don't get much in the way of feedback, so it is nice to hear what people think.
  • If you have any burning questions that you need answering. Normally if you have a question, other people will be wondering that as well, so don't be shy, ask away.
  • Any problems with the site - don't hold back. At the end of the day I want my site to be as great as possible, so if you find a page doesn't work, someting is missing etc, let me know.

Want to ask me anything? Just ask. I love receiving genuine emails and will make time to reply to everyone, so ask away.

Reasons not to contact me:

  • Spammy advertising. Be original and you might catch my attention.
  • Most advertising. I'm afraid I delete 99% of advertising emails unless they are unique and honest.
  • Anything less than quality link exchange proposals. I'm happy to link to a lot of sites, just not useless ones as I want resources that will really help people.

As a general rule, make your email unique and interesting and I will be more than happy to reply. If you send me the same email that you have sent to loads of other people, don't waste your time, it will just go straight in the bin.